Made in America since 1949

Products > Mailing Tubes
Mailing tubes, poster tubes, and shipping tubes are the most popular choice for general-purpose mailings. Open end and crimped end (“snap seal”) mailing tubes are ideal when sending posters, art, and blueprints because they are strong and lightweight (which helps keep shipping costs low). Custom Mailing Tubes can be made with diameters ranging from 1 inch to 12 inches, and in any length and thickness.

Approximate lead time: 5 business days, plus shipping.

Open-end mailing tubes require end closures such as plastic plugs, paper caps, or metal plugs. Crimped mailing tubes do not require end closures.

While plain cardboard mailing tubes are the most economical, custom colors, one color printing, and full four color printing help increase branding, product identification and command attention.

In house Fulfillment Services available. Click here for a custom Mailing Tube quote.